The Burlesk Center (European Center for the Art of Contemporary Burlesque)
proposes a summer workshop with
assisted by
Mareike Schnitker and Giovanni Foresti
The search for the true Clown
This workshop is offered to theatre, dance and circus professionals who wish to complete
their training, conduct some personal research and have a new experience, as well as to all
people who are strongly motivated by work on the Clown.
Dates: August 17th to 29th (12 days, 6 hours each day)
Hours: 10h to 12h: technique / 14h to 18h: improvisation, writing.
Participants: age minimum of 20 years old
Location: Gymnasium of the Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Piazza San Francesco, CH 6600
Price of workshop: 650 Euro or 1000 Swiss Francs
Lodging: responsibility of the participant. Upon request, we can give directions to hotels,
hostels, or campsites. We highly recommend visiting
http://www.campingriposo.ch/index.html, a campsite/hostel that is reachable by bicycle.
Insurance: everyone is responsible for his/her own insurance.
Enrollment: "first come, first serve". Send a down payment of 100 Swiss Francs OR 100
Euro with a curriculum and photo to:
CH 6654 Cavigliano
Téléphone / fax: (00 41 91) 796 31 93
Payment in full will be on the first day of the workshop.
Costumes and Materials: besides training clothes, participants are asked to bring "dress
clothes" that are too big or too small, suits and dresses in bad taste, jackets, Bermuda
shorts, trousers that are too long or too short, overcoats that are too big, hats, caps,
purses, backpacks, suitcases, mountain boots, tennis shoes, dress shoes, and other
"...it was Pierre Byland, a student at the school before he returned to teach here, who
introduced the famous red nose, the smallest mask in the world, which would help people
to expose their naiveté and their fragility."
(Jacques Lecoq, "The Moving Body", Routledge)
Stupidens: from the Latin "stupidus": stupified, amazed, surprised, struck
by a deep emotion, overtaken by the events (end of the 17th century)