Aanbod clownerie wisper najaar 2009

Clownerie: 9 donderdagavonden vanaf 15/10 (voor beginners)
Clownerie: systemen van humor: weekend 19 en 20 december
Begeleiding: Dirk van Bortel

Clownerie: 8 donderdagavonden vanaf 15/10 (voor beginners)
Clownerie: basisweekend:12 en 13 december
Begeleiding: Tom Pyck

Meer info en inschrijving op www.wisper.be (onder het blokje theater)

Straattheater festival Chassepierre

Op 22 en 23 augustus gaat voor de 36ste keer het straattheaterfestival in Chassepierre door. 36 optredens op 2 dagen. Meer info op:http://www.chassepierre.be/nl/program_2009.asp

Hospital Clowning

Teacher: Núria Pereto
20 to 23rd of August 2009
4 days, 6 hours per day
350€ (course + food and board)
The course starts on the night of the 19th and ends the 23rd at 7pm.
Last day of inscription: 14th of August.

It is scientifically proven that laughter has an unlimited therapeutic effect, and for many years clowns have visited hospitals, since it has been shown that the happiness that is produced leads to a speedier recovery.
Through games and improvisatios, we will learn how to behave as a clown in a hospital. We will learn what a clown can and can’t do in a hospital setting, which resources to use in different areas of a hospital and with different illnesses. No previous experience is required.
The course includes at least one visit to a children´s center or a hospital.

Núria Pereto has been a clown since 2003 and is president and founder of the Hospital Clown Association “Salut i Clowns”. She works regularly in a variety of hospitals, and trained with Pilar Peran (Pallapupas), Mercè Candó (Hospiclown), Sergi Claramunt (Pallassosospital), Fernando Córdoba (Médicos de la Risa) and Veronica Macedo (Saniclown).

Para más información, llamad al 622110537 o al 872004898.
Per a més informació, truqueu al 622110537 o al 872004898.
For further information, call 622110537 or 872004898.


We have the great honour to present this intensive workshop by the master of humour Jango Edwards. This workshop is based on the study and practice of different comic formulas which Jango Edwards has observed throughout the length of his performing career, in his own work, that of his colleagues and of his teachers.
Some previous clown experience is recommended and preferred in order to take this workshop.

DATES: Weekend 15th and 16th of August.
ARRIVAL: On the night of the 14th. We will colect the students that arrive by train at the station of Figueres at 8pm.
DEPARTURE: On the 16th, aprox at 7pm.
COST: 250eu. Includes the dinner on the 14th, the 3 meals on the 15th and 2 meals of the 16th, the stay and the course.

Given that theres not much time left before the course, and that we require a certain number of students to make it successful, we ask you to confirm your assistance as soon as possible.
The inscription dates will end on the 7th of August. To confirm your place please deposit the total ammount in the school´s account number. You have the complete information on how to do it
at www.escoladeclown.eu, as pictures of Cal Clown.